Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dear Murphy, Your Not Welcome

I haven't been on since March because it has been one slamming roller coaster after another.

Something dramatic happened and I was not okay for a long time. Getting better everyday, better than before but things take time.

Then end of April I started feeling pregnancy symptoms. Went in May for an ultrasound and I was in fact pregnant :) Super joyous moment for our family. We were excited but nothing compared to how happy our kids were. It was at an unreal and incredibly adorable level. ;)

August 8th our sweet 6yr old Pomeranian, Holly, got out and was taken by a stranger in our front yard. We have exhausted all ways of finding here even knocking on several blocks worth of doors asking if people had seen her. All the vet offices and shelters said it would be extremely rare for us to end up finding her with them and that whoever took her was likely keeping her. She was by far the most amazing dog I have ever owned in my life.

August 21st I had a miscarriage of our precious Nora Elizabeth at 19wks, 6days and 2227 hours. Yes we were counting down all day to the 20week mark. Very rapidly things changed. My health is getting better everyday and we have some measure of peace that nothing genetic or anything I did caused the miscarriage. They believe she passed away sometime that day because I felt her move in the morning. I'm not really up to talking about it. Maybe in the future but not now. What happened was completely out of our hands and doctors all have said even if we had made it to the hospital in time there would have been nothing they could do because she was just too small. Our sweet girl was so heavily prayed for and I'm thankful that we were blessed with her no matter how short her stay. She is our beautiful guardian angel in the sky.

Yesterday, my husband fell off a ladder into a sharp chair corner and hurt himself badly.

This year is shaping up to just be one tough situation after another. Murphy, you have your eviction notice! ;)

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